Monday, December 04, 2006


Ever tried knitting socks? I'm making my first attempt this holiday season and boy, is it a challenge. You have to use four little double-pointed knitting needles and work in the "round". It's a major pain in the butt. I'm hoping that it's like any other skill -- that with practice it will get easier.

I'm not trying anything complicated, no fancy patterns or stitches, just normal socks! You wouldn't think it would be so difficult! Hopefully, they will turn out nice. I have a box of fun fur I bought that I'm dying to whip into scarves for the holidays, but I must finish the commissioned work first!

I've made two scarves now out of HomeSpun - it's kind of nobby -- and they've turned out great. Nothing real fancy, but nicer than just plain yarn scarves.

If you have any great tips and tricks for socks, let me know! I promise to post a photo when I get a pair finished. (assuming they are good enough to photograph)


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