Sunday, November 12, 2006


Okay, I know health isn't a knitting subject, but it is something that is on my mind right now. I am 40 years old and except for a few years of my life, I've never bothered to take care of my health. I've smoked most of my life and rarely been involved in formal exercise. Now I find myself facing some potentially serious medical problems and suddenly health is in the forefront.

Dont' get me wrong, this isn't the first time I've thought about. I've been progressively gaining weight since a bad car accident in 1996 limited my mobility. Every year I put on a few more pounds and get a little more sedentary. Every year I vow at New Year's to lose weight and get some exercise. And every year, before the end of January, I'm calling myself a total failure.

But health is more than weight. And it isn't a 'plan' you do for a while and then forget about. I'm learning (albeit very, very slowly) that health is a daily effort, a way of life, a way of thinking. You treat your body well and hopefully it rewards you with long life and a body that will help you achieve your goals.

I know that isn't true -- look at all the people who die of lung cancer but never smoked and the smokers that live to be 100. But I can't assume that health is something I have no control over -- I have to believe that I can make a difference.


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